Monday 23 January 2012

It's time for a change then. I've downloaded the "Get Running" app for the iPhone. My wife has been doing this for a couple of weeks and on her advice I've started the couch to 5k programme, went for first run on Saturday! Eep. Was actually ok, even for a man with no muscle mass, but plenty of, well, mass! The app runs on top of your chosen music (more on this later) and gives you prompts on what to do.First off is 5 minutes walking, easy. 1 minute running (at your own pace) 1 and a half minute walking to catch your breath and then run again for a minute. Repeat until you've ran eight times 5 minute walking to cool down then stretch out at the end. Not too bad afterwards. Bit sore, but I expected it. Wheee! First step to fit fat man.

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